The Bidlack Strategy Sheets

Read and download our helpful Strategy Sheets to guide and focus your communications thinking, and to get a feel for the Bidlack marketing communications philosophy. They can also be a valuable homework assignment prior to working with us, to help you define your business challenges and goals.


The Getability Checklist

Making sure your audience gets it, and gets it instantly.

THE MOST IMPORTANT PART of communication is being understood. Yet communications designers are frequently so close to their subject that they are unable to see their message through the eyes (and with the mind set) of their intended audience.

Consequently, the “get-ability” of a message — the ability of your audience to instantly understand what it is you’re trying to get across — is occasionally muted.

In an effort to fight ambiguity, here is Bidlack’s Get-Ability Checklist, a simple device to remind you of the obvious, and to make sure you’re seeing the forest for the trees.

Use This Handy Getability Checklist when Refining your Marketing Message

What you sell isn’t necessarily who you are, and it pays to define that. Read Strategy Sheet 4: Developing a Credo Statement



Download Bidlack Strategy Sheet 1: Communicating With The Black Dog